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Bathing in predictability
March 26, 2024
I am too THIS and not enough THAT.

I wrote the part 1 of this Blog. (You can read it right here – THE WILD CARD.) My mind thinks this is tooooo woowoo… It’s a bunch of crap… And I choose to hand over to God the reins and let it be that your words come through me now freely. Here is what came next…

→ Side note – you ALWAYS think you are lost. You always think you have to go back to the past (here in this case, it’s you saying “let me just re-read to see if it makes sense”) when the past is irrelevant.

You think you need to know where you are.

Because you don’t trust that the answers can just come.

They can.

It doesn’t have to be difficult. You don’t have to know where you were. 

Here and now is your compass. Only this moment exists. This moment is perfect. 

→ There is a belief [a highly limiting one] that forces you to complete what you startedwhen maybe what you started was just meant to bring you to here and now. AND what is creeping behind is the p.r.e.s.s.u.r.e. to perform

If I don’t complete this, then I have not succeeded. 

If I don’t do it this way… [the way that you have imagined in your FANTASY] it is not okay.

And so you make the flow WRONG, you make the experience WRONG, you tag yourself as INADEQUATE because the previous thing was not complete…

When in truth, the entire experience was for you to get to this moment living this exact thing! 

The lesson is here. But you want to stay there.

Remember how, in a conversation with a client, you leave all kinds of loops open? And you just take the ones that are in the moment. And it ALWAYS works out perfectly!?

It is the exact same thing here.

You may talk on a subject and you won’t get to the end of the subject… You can’t possibly talk about all there is to talk about on that subject and you make it wrong when it’s actually so freaking normal. 

You have a plan, and things don’t go as is and you get redirected. You start the day and you think, that’s what she needs to learn. And she opens her mouth and that thing you thought about, it’s not even on your mind anymore because you RESPOND to what is. Marie YOU RESPOND to what is. Moment to moment. (Heck if you are a generator or mani gen, this should ring a bell!)

But how do I know if it is self-sabotage?

Why would you even think you do that? 

Because endings are not my strong suit and if I don’t end, I don’t serve. And most importantly, I am not fulfilling my destiny.)

Oh “If I am myself, I can’t get clients… I can’t be abundant… My needs can’t be taken care of…”

Replace this by your reasons if you are reading this…  So who do you need to be?

That’s the thing. I don’t know. I haven’t figured it out. 

You keep cutting off the path thinking you are AGAIN on the wrong path. That you should recommit to what was. That the musings you are receiving here just don’t make sense because HOW DO YOU GO FROM WHAT SHE SIGNED UP FOR [To get you into context, that’s part 1 of this post The WILD CARD] TO THIS LESSON INTO TRUSTING THE MOMENT EVEN WHEN IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE??? 

You keep judging.

You keep on wanting things to be linear and logic.

Start this post. Complete this post. Then done.

Only you don’t make sense…

You hate when things make sense…

and you want to trust who you are YET you go against yourself constantly. 


Who said you need to complete things? 

I do – to post them at least. 

Maybe. Maybe you just run with this idea afterwards. Who knows?

You won’t know until you stop fighting it…

and stop shaming it…

and stop DECIDING that it is NOT the most abundant thing ever. 

🍫 So what if you jump from things to things?

🍫 So what if you open loops and you don’t close them? 

🍫 So what if you say what’s there and it changes the subject?

So what???

So what if you feel like putting a chocolate bar right in front of the things???

What’s wrong with that? 

Why is there ALWAYS something wrong with the way you do things? 

Why wouldn’t it be absolute genius to be able to let the flow be and take EVERY GOLDEN NUGGETS along the way and create a masterpiece?

What if that was like the paintings that you would call a “smear” or a “scribble” yet they sell for millions because they know the value of the FREEDOM it takes to claim this as VALUABLE. It speaks to the Soul! 

Who are you to say what is valuable and what is not?

What if your style is; it’s going somewhere. I don’t know where. AND I TRUST THAT. Because magik always swoops up in my life!!!

The Ineffable remember!?! 

The answer to your previous question of who do I need to be: Oh I need to be this woman who starts one thing, its perfect. I complete it. And there you go. Not messy. Not all over the place. Just everything is RIGHT.

Really? How boring! 

Where is the adventure in that?

It’s bathing in p.r.e.d.i.c.t.a.b.i.l.i.t.y. It’s bathing in I AM LIVING IN A PRISON and all other ways are too messy. 

The lesson is that sometimes the SIDENOTE is THE NOTE. And it needed to take a certain path to get there. There was a journey to get there. And we don’t always have to hide the journey – because the surprises along the way ARE the magik. 

Can you freeflow with life or do you judge it as I sometimes do? 

What golden nugget did this spark for you? 

What permission do you now give yourself? 

Hit my inbox, leave a comment or find your my to my DMs, I wanna know! 

Remember, You’ve got this.











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