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You already have it.
October 15, 2024
I am too THIS and not enough THAT.

And then he said something that would completely change the direction of my life. 

I am about to let you in on something big.

Are you ready?

He said “There is nothing that you can’t have now.

I heard it as “You can absolute have it all.

That was nothing new… I knew that intellectually

He continued… 

Because everything you want is all available in the invisible.

Now I leaned in, crazy curious

What do I want the most right now? Play along.

– To have a career that fulfills me. What will fulfill me? Connection. Impact.

Great. Feel that. 

– To have money. What will make money make me feel? Expanded. Free. Options are there. 

Most of the time, people into my world come and want money… the $10k months, the million dollars… But honest to God, none of them truly want the money. They are deep Souls, old Souls. They are here for MORE. WAY MORE. They don’t want to feel poor anymore, or limited or inadequate…

So what do they want? To FEEL free, FEEL limitless, FEEL supported, FEEL rich

This game of life is just a freaking game of real raw TRUTH.

What do you desire?

Dilute it to its essence. Nail the essence.

Now go DO that. FEEL that.

You do that and your life is the BEST ANYONE HAS EVER LIVED!

So how do we go about playing this game?

We get real honest. What is your real desire? 

For one, we don’t wait around for feelings to come to us. We become masters at generating them.

Deep down, is it just me or do you also feel like you want to be the happiest person you know?! 

Now before you get scared, that doesn’t mean the most outspoken, it means you just feel delicious from the inside. You nourish yourself. You feed yourself the emotions you want to live. And when you do that, you become the richest person you know.

And that, my loves, is what your Soul is craving!

All that goodness. That’s inner wealth.

Knowing that you have this ability to generate any feeling you want to experience.

How do you think the porn industry was created? A desire to feel ______. 

The thing is you can focus on the million dollars – and risk getting stressed out about not being there yet or get stuck on how to get there –  or – you can be brutally honest, see what it is that you truly want from the money and OFFER IT to yourself now. 

Let me make this clear. You are the richest person you know. But you won’t receive those riches until you see them, you claim them. 

You claim the feelings.

And this is especially potent for you if you are a Left brain motivation in human design. 

If I ask you how you are gonna make a million dollars or

how are you going to feel with a million dollars

which one is easiest?

Hint. It should be the feeling. I GET IT. JUST LIKE ME YOU HATE RULES or being told. Only, not feeling it… how has that worked for you so far? 

Don’t give me the “but I don’t know what it will feel like” bullshit your ego makes up to not pause, and actually go play in your imagination and actually live the adventure in your mind and let those feelings expand you. I know you can recollect moments in your life where you had this exact feeling. You can think of a few things to do that would make you feel this way now.

Don’t get caught up on the “I need this from others.” That’s your inner child wanting it from YOU. So offer yourself what you want from others. 

What I want to tell you more than anything in the world is that you can have it all.

Right Now – Absolutely. Every. Sensation. You. Wanna. Feel. Is. Accessible. To. You. 

You just get to CREATE it. 

I am about to go too simple on you. Your ego will try to dismiss it, brush it aside but you won’t be able to because you will feel the truth of it landing inside of you. Deeper and deeper and deeper. 

NOW is a portal. NOW is a choice point. The reason you can TRUST the NOW is that you get to DECIDE your focus. You choose your aim at any moment.

Now let me get real clear on what I did not say. I didn’t say you can shift or manipulate outside circumstances.

HERE IS WHY: Whatever is going on in your external reality is irrelevant. 

Here and now, despite all the pressure, despite the amount in your bank account or the absence of it, you get to feel the way YOU choose. 

Your perception of things got skewed a little, (oups typo) a whole freaking lot… I don’t care what’s going on in your life

(I am not saying that without compassion for the difficulties you are going through… I am saying that because I care deeply for the power that is already within you… A power very few use wisely. But when you do, you do have it all.)

Right now you are longing for a FEELING… there is something you want to FEEL regardless of what’s going on around you. That FEELING. That thing you are after… it’s YOURS. It’s YOURS NOW if you choose to let go of how you are currently feeling. 

You are the most abundant Soul on this planet, if you allow yourself to FEEL like it. 

“I can’t just be happy for no reason.”

My ego tells me that all the time.

And I’m like “Eh NOPE. B.S. Let me prove it to you right now.” And I go play in a happy thought and I let that thought take over my body. I stay with it until it permeates and saturates my energy. And I prove it over and over. And at some point, you notice how your capacity to receive expands. It gets easier and easier to feel because…

you have taught your ego that it is possible.

Remember, You’ve got this.



Now LOVE, if you desire a taste of that for yourself,

if you desire to create that life where things are just too good to be true,

I’ve got you. 

Now I’m not going to sugar coat it. We will go deep. We will FEEL the heck out of life and we will shift what needs shifting. 

We will play with all the ways you are still getting in your way. We work with your energy first. And then strategy will emerge naturally. 


She will give you



She is the embodiment of your FREE Spirit.

She does life her way.

Her way is abundant AF.

Together, in deep reverence for the wisdom she holds

we activate this part of you that is UNAPOLOGETIC in your TRUTH.

She knows your WORTH.

She holds your STANDARDS.

She’s here for the TRUTH,

nothing but the TRUTH,


your ABUNDANT ways. 

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