The ONE who has standards.

The ONE who sees herself.

The ONE who holds herself.

The ONE who won’t settle for less.

Because she knows she is WISE. WORTHY. WEALTHY. & LIMITLESS.

She is her own SOURCE.

IntimaSEA Mastermind

Activate your SORCERESS

🐦‍🔥 the one who is UNSHAKABLE in the KNOWING that you are WORTHY of achieving the prosperous life Source wants for you….

🐈‍⬛ the one that holds the ship when you are a hot mess. She will NEVER and I mean NEVER EVER question your sufficiency nor the quality of your craft…

⚔️ the one who FIERCELY protects your sacred values and navigates challenges without compromising your integrity…

🌑 the one who TRUSTS in your ability to get your own answers…. Following isn’t even in your DNA, you are an INNOVATOR… 

🐉 the one who MOVES forward with absolute conviction, courage & total determination UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU…  

She will give you



She is the embodiment of your FREE Spirit.

She does life her way.

Her way is abundant AF.

She knows she is growing from things that were meant to break her, that makes her POWERFUL beyond measure.

If this hits home… If she has you scared and excited… If your heart is beating a little faster…

GOOD. She’s ready.

The magik of your SORCERESS?

She makes decisions like she is already there… Because she is. 

She doesn’t wait. It’s now for her. 👇

You will fully embody her true essence and power, living a life of profound authenticity, freedom, and impact.

Hey Love,

Marie here. Call me M.

I’ve been career hopping for a long time (marketing director, police officer, hotel manager…) until my heart said: That’s it. That’s THE one. I’m a MENTOR at heart. That was 11 years ago!

Like you, I excel at everything I do, so this transition was going to be as easy as the other ones right?!

And when I DECIDED to become the COACH, I’ve tried every method in the book. 🤢 Nothing worked. My Soul didn’t want to sacrifice. I shamed that big time. And because I did, I’ve hit walls and got no results. 🤬 And persisted. And got deeper and deeper into lack. And stubbornly persisted even more.

Until I lost E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. It was all gone. No more resource. No more self-importance. And after being abused, I lost the little self-respect that was left. All Gone.

The PERFECT nest to form a rebellious Soul here to transform the world her own way.  

I got to build myself up.

I took ownership of my destiny. I became my own advocate, the one standing tall in my corner, rooting for my highest potential. Remembering what I stand for and COURAGEOUSLY taking the STEPS even if it didn’t make sense trusting the unknown. Seeing my potential, claiming it as mine and keeping my focus, my heart on it until I lived it. It’s my responsibility.

My SORCERESS was born.

And that was the scariest thing. Ever. 

As INNOVATIVE FREE Spirits… no formula could ever fully honor the depth of our soul’s wisdom. I believe the answers are within us. You are the solution you are looking for. Like I was for myself.  I will teach you exactly how to go fishing, with the right bait to get the exact answers you need to have a life of freedom where your values and standards are honored and revered.

But for that, we have to get you out of your mind. Into your body. No amount of strategy will compensate for you not being you.  I had to get back to my TRUTH. My way. Going within. And moving from my truest move. Over and over.

It’s how I got to live in the midst of nature, how I discovered my most Abundant Self and all the inner wealth (and worth) I hold. It’s how I live a life where the little things make me the happiest. Happy for no reason. Just because I can.


Your SORCERESS, she means business.

She fcking cares about your worth, your dreams and she is ready to go deep and transcend beyond the limitations you placed in your energy field

– she knows what’s available on the other side…

Let’s just say that you’ll get more and more comfortable in the mystery as you move towards your dreams with her fully ACTIVATED.

You didn’t want to keep walking in the PREDICTABLE right?


🜃 You feel deep within that you are your own Source of power, strength, and wisdom. 

🜃 You crave the one on one. You want that presence in your corner E.V.E.R.Y. DAY. (Not because you need it, but because you want it and you GET TO have it to help you shift your state in a snap.)

🜃 You are prepared to elevate yourself, embracing new standards, values, and boundaries that honor your truth.

🜃  You are ready to do the deeper work to come back to your Truth.

🜃 You are an entrepreneur, a coach or a creative and you know your next move is an energetic one.

🜃 You are not looking for a strategy. You ARE the strategy. You want to DISCOVER your own way.

🜃 You just feel it!



△ 3 deep calls per month

△ Unlimited voice and text support 5 days/week

△ We clear out all the ways you tame your inner wealth and dilute yourself.

△ You will get so much more clarity on who you are, what your big dream is and what you stand for that the unknown will become a space of wonder and play.

3 month $4,444 + tx or

6 month $7,777 + tx

Payment plans available. If you need more support, contact us.

You deserve to live fully in your Truth, FREE to BE the woman you were always destined to become.

© MARIE DI TULLIO 2024 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | privacy policy | terms & conditions | contact

Marie Di Tullio cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, ideas, courses, coaching, plans, tools, or strategies.  You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of the Marie Di Tullio brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Marie Di Tullio products and services, and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.