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Do me a favor and just have it your way.
September 19, 2024
I am too THIS and not enough THAT.

I need you to quit something for me.

I need you to quit doing things because you think it’s the way it SHOULD be.

I need you to stop going against yourself and start following your own flow/TRUTH.

I need you to see that you knew all along how to do it…

How to do it s.u.c.c.e.s.s.f.u.l.l.y.

You just need to trust yourself.

Trust your ways.

Trust. Trust. Trust.

You know it in your heart.

If it doesn’t feel right, it’s not your way.


The thing Love is…

You are O.V.E.R.C.O.M.P.L.I.C.A.T.I.N.G.

You know exactly what you want. You know exactly how to get there.

Nope, you don’t know the entire plan.

That’s not you. You don’t play in the predictable.

You are supernatural. You are divine

You don’t need the road map. 

That’s an illusion you get to drop right now.

You just know THIS move. THIS ONE MOVE.

And that’s all that matters. 

That one move is ABUNDANT. 

And the next one will make itself available when it is meant to show up.

In perfect divine timing. LITERALLY.


So you are gonna have to learn to deal with the discomfort of the in between…

Stop FILLING UP your time.

No more forcing things.

Or even better said: REST, PLAY and have FUN in between!

Guilt free.

Feel your body expanding and calming down as you read those words…

There is magik in you moving the way you are meant to move…

Letting things come to you.

For no reason at all other than that’s how you operate.


So ya, I need you to do me a favor and just have it your way.

DECIDE that your way works.

That your way, 

even though it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever,


That your way gets to work in mind boggling ways…

It reaches the Souls it is meant to reach

It touches them exactly as it should

It moves them in ways that are harmonious to the whole

And you get to receive EXPONENTIALLY because you did it your way…


So yes, I am inviting you back into your WILD

Into that space where you trust your own flow, 

where you know your rhythm is absolutely perfect.

We do that in IntimaSEA. Starts next week.  This is a 3-month mastermind for the female leaders ready to be PROPELLED by their most sufficient Self; the brave one who infuses her every move with   love & abundance. Join NOW right here.


Remember, You’ve got this.



P.S. Or you can DIVE in fully and activate your SORCERESS in PRIVATE with me; 

The ONE who has standards.

The ONE who sees herself.

The ONE who holds herself.

The ONE who won’t settle for less.

Because she knows she is WISE. WORTHY. WEALTHY. & LIMITLESS.


That’s my craft… helping you pull in exactly what you need by being yourself – initiating and moving the way you are designed to. 

Which one is it going to be?









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