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Fox medicine to Charm Your Way to Success
March 07, 2024
I am too THIS and not enough THAT.

Once upon a time…

there was a magikal little one who wanted to live the most magikal life EVER.

This little one kept on doing EVERYTHING everyone was telling her to do. She was just like a little bee, doing and doing and doing. She totally rocked the DOING thing. Doing EVERYTHING RIGHT.

And yet she felt her dreams were still so far away. She felt she should be closer by now. And it saddened her deeply.

She couldn’t understand.

“I am doing everything right, how come there is no magik? If I am doing everything just like the bee, how come I am not tasting the honey?”

And yes, she was doing everything right. Yes she was putting so much energy into doing.

Here is what she had forgotten. She was not a bee. She had forgotten that we don’t do to simply GET. That’s boring.  That’s mechanical. There is no fulfillment in that. We do from the MAGIK, from the JOY of what’s coming. We do because our heart has invited us in this direction. Out of loooooooove…

It was dawn and already the little one was doing her little things.

She caught a glimpse of a fox, a little further down, having the time of his life PLAYING, LEAPING and JUMPING, ROLLING and CHASING itself

He was reveling in his senses expressing freely.

Raw. Untamed. Unbothered.

She wanted to get back to DOING her things but the fox’s innocence was so fascinating that she found herself drawn to him. Unknown to her, she had just met a creature bearing powerful magik, a demigod who can SHAPESHIFT at will.

That red fox. He looked so happy. He was moving and moving. With grace, with lightness, with such freedom. She got curious. She wanted what he has and so she asked the red fox 

“Excuse me Mr. Fox, you seem so happy, like you life your dream life. How do you do it?” 

She was ready to try ONE more thing, one more strategy.

The clever red fox answered

“I could answer you but it would steal your magik.” 

Now, little one got confused.

He looks so happy AND he refuses to share his secret??? That shook her but she decided to get EVEN MORE curious since the red fox was the first one to NOT tell her what to do. So she invited him to share more.

You see, the fox is a clever one. 

He uses the cleverest hunting technique: Charming. 

With it, you can capture any prize. The preys he hypnotizes are those who lost the spirit of magik. They forgot how to remain PLAYFUL, all while charging toward their goal. They are the ones doing because they HAVE TO do. The ones who have forgotten their creative forces.

“I can’t get your motor running for you.

said the fox. 

“No one can. I can’t tell you where to go and what to do. You have done that a gazillion times. And here you are. Still longing for your dreams.”

The Fox doesn’t act without meaning or purpose. Rather, every action of the Fox is DELIBERATE

He had seen the little one, so dedicated to her dream. But going at it everybody’s ways but hers. Does it ring a bell? 

He had felt her so heart-broken. His magik is about drawing the CREATIVITY out of his prey and when he does, they feel magikal and he replenishes. A win-win.

Little one was puzzled.

She saw that she had tried all the strategies, that she had been relentless and now she felt resourceless. 

The red fox felt her confusion and he continued:

“Listen to yourself, you’ll never be happy until you listen to yourself.” 

She was thinking out loud wondering HOW?

“Here is how I do it, said the red fox. When all others might forge ahead and follow other people’s ways… I take a step back and pause. And I ask myself: But ME, RED FOX, HOW DO I WANT TO DO THIS? And I follow my heart. And wherever I go, I am happy for my heart is FULL.”

Little one’s eyes brighten up. It clicked. She saw how she had given her power to others to tell her how to live her life and how to get to her dreams.

“You are saying I have found all of their ways to get to success, but it was theirs? While the magik is ALREADY inside of me?! But I am so focussed on DOING that I forget to smell the roses and ask myself how I desire to do it!?”

Now she felt EMPOWERED. As if she was in on a mystery that is about to transform her existence on Earth.

The red fox was very pleased with his prey/apprentice… 

He had great hope in her for he knows that magik happens in the unseen – like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. And just in this first meeting, history was about to be re-written. 

Her experiment with destiny is about to take a whole new level of PLEASURE, PLAYFULNESS and FULFILLMENT. All this from HIM HAVING THE TIME OF HIS LIFE. Again.

This was only their first encounter and already little one looked forward to their next one. 

And before continuing about her day, she asked herself:

“How do I want to go about my day knowing I could have all the pleasure I desire ALONG the way?”

The End.

Remember, You’ve got this.




Sometimes we have to stop what we are doing in order to truly tap into the magik of what we are and how we want to do what we want to do.

➔ You are not here to conform.

➔ You are here to bring your crazy cool ways to humanity.

➔ You can ONLY do that when you go within and dare expressing what you find, charming your way to your dream.

Here is the juicy reality:

Deconditioning your patterns is a beautiful process, a deep one. It is not a one time deal and here you are transformed. It is a process of coming back to yourself, re-committing to yourself, to your dream. Over and over. Relentlessly asking but how do I want to do it?

The thing when you enter my world and work 1on1 with me is that you are held in a sacred cocoon. It’s the space for you to come in and discover yourself, unleash and blossom. You are meant to change the world your way. 

My magik is simple. In my energy, you get back to your POWER FASTER. You are stronger, more confident and make moves from where you are ALREADY meant to be AS YOU, YOUR WAY. Plus, we play with all the ways you are still taming yourself all the while welcoming and celebrating your own magik.

Working in private with me is real, raw, messy and incredibly REWARDING. You bring all of you. And I welcome it all. Intense AF. YEP. And I am not the type of coach you will hear once a week. I’ve got skin in the game. I wanna be there with you. 

I am opening 10 new spots for 1on1. I have about 10 different options.

My absolute FAV no brainer is Soul🌙Spark Coaching – you’ve got me with you. Unlimited Access. 4 or 7 moon cycles. We go deep. It’s intimate. It’s me cheering you on AND keeping you accountable to your DREAM. The REAL ONE.

If you know its time to be 

way more empowered

way more connected

way more focussed

way more alive

You don’t have to wait. The magik is in the NOW.

And if questions are dancing in your mind, head over to my DMs or my email and you and I will have a real conversation.



If that feels a little too intense for a first DATE 😊

Soul Reclamation –  my 10 day intensive is so freaking affordable and irresistible. You and I on Voxer for 10 days. I’m here for you through it all. Just $333.











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