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Stop Singing Others’ Songs and Find Your Own Voice
June 05, 2024
I am too THIS and not enough THAT.

Once upon a time, in a lush, green pond filled with lilypads, there was a beautiful little frog named Lillyth. She had been looking to others to find her way. She’d been asking around, asking many popular frogs, the stars. She asked all of them, “How did you do it? How did you become popular?” Every single one of them answered with much care and passion, sharing their ways and getting excited for her. 

Because now she was equipped with their wisdom, “If I could do it, certainly you could do it”, they said.

And she knew in her heart it was true. She could do it.

EXCEPT that she tried every single way that was given to her. 

And a few things happened:

either she hated the way and it didn’t feel right, so she stopped, or it was really hard for her because it didn’t play on her strengths and she got exhausted, or their way was so demanding that she was working, working, and working with no results.

No matter what, it just felt like failure after failure.

One day, something mysterious happened. She was singing the frog song like all frogs sing, and this time it felt different. She couldn’t explain what it was but figured that if every single star frog she met had their way, she must have her own way! 

That thought… 

Wow, it felt so delicious! 

She went for a swim to celebrate the thought and see what magic could come from this idea. 

The idea started to take over. “This time, I’m going to do it my way. No other way will do. My way,” she decided.

Oh but what is my way? wondered the little frog. Maybe I’ll ask others. They know me. They have seen me. They will tell me.

So she went to the elders and asked, “What is my way?” They all had the same answer: “You just sing your song, like we all do.”

“But what is my song?”

“The one you have always been singing,” they answered.

So she went to her little place and sang. But nothing was different. She had always been singing that song—the same song that all the other frogs were singing.

Of course, she thought later, I’ve asked those who’ve always been singing with me what my song is. They taught me that song. It’s their song. Not mine.

And she got excited.

What if she was to sing her own song? How would she go about it? Oh yes, she would try just a little higher note. That’s fun. And she wanted even higher. And so she did. 

She loved it.

In no time, another frog joined her. “That’s not the song. You are messing up our harmonies.”

For a second, it hit her straight in the heart. She was in the way of others. When she felt right, she was in the way of others. Could it be? And she could see other frogs in the background approving.

So for a moment, she fell silent. She was torn. Either she did like she always did, which would obviously have her staying right where she was (and she knew all about that reality)—or she could explore a little more of what felt good ANYWAY. It felt so good. Who knows where that could lead?

And so she chose—just for today—the second option. She was going to follow her own voice playfully, curiously. After all, she thought, all the baby frogs did it and we loved them. When did it become so boring to be a full-grown frog?

And so she did. She played with her voice more and more. In no time, she got lost in herself, eyes closed, and simply sang from her heart. Something inside of her cracked wide open. She completely lost track of time and space and was moved from love. She sang her song! 

When she came back to herself and opened her eyes, the entire community was gathered around her. All these big pairs of eyes looking at her. Everything was completely silent for a moment. She felt a little awkward, then a burst of four-fingered hands applauding and loud cheering took over the entire kingdom.

I am doing it for me!


Sometimes all you need to do is let your voice be heard—not because they are listening, approving, or receiving, but because it feels good to be you. You just let it out because your Soul is saying, “This is how I want to express.” 

I am not doing it for you. I am not demanding your approval. I am doing it for me. Because I can’t hold it in anymore. I am doing it for me. Because in this moment, this is what I am meant to do. If I don’t let it out, it will consume me. And so for me, I am letting it out. I am letting it take the shape it wants to take. I’m the messenger, not the art. I let the message be heard. 

So yes, let the message be heard. Just because you can.

Often we try other people’s ways and get lost in trying to replicate or thinking we must do it a certain way. When, if you just let the energy flow, it will express itself out of you without a single effort. And instead of being in people’s way, you will be their inspiration….

O.R.  Y.O.U.  C.A.N.  K.E.E.P.  T.H.I.N.K.I.N.G.  Y.O.U.R.  W.A.Y.  T.H.R.O.U.G.H.  M.O.V.I.N.G.  F.R.O.M.  O.T.H.E.R.  P.E.O.P.L.E.’S.  W.I.S.D.O.M.  M.I.S.S.I.N.G.  O.U.T.  O.N.  Y.O.U.R.  O.W.N.  R.I.C.H.E.S.


Remember, You’ve got this.




Honey you can have anybody’s wisdom, but if it ain’t your wisdom, the road will be filled with struggles you don’t need to go through. You already know inside of you what is your next step. Just trust it.

And if you can’t trust it just yet, great, welcome into my world. We will build your trust. Because if you can’t trust yourself, you are missing the point of being empowered. You are missing out on your divinity and how peaceful life gets to be when you do you. Your way! 

Soul🌙Spark is for you. Just you and I. In a sacred space. We will go deep. Let go of what needs letting go and claim what needs claiming. Get started right now. 


Fields of dreams is that place where I meet you in your power and we build your dreams.

I share with you EVERYTHING about dream building.

It’s intimate. It’s the safest place for you to be you, welcome in all of you. Messy and everything.

And it’s free.

I get to simply share with you from my heart because it doesn’t want to stay in! LOL


and please hit my DMs to share what we are creating together!!!










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