It’s not what you think. It’s what you feel.
April 11, 2024
I am too THIS and not enough THAT.

It’s never been about the dream.

It’s never been about the fairytale you constructed in your mind. It was never about that. And that’s why you have been DECEIVED so often in your life.

I remember when I thought that was it. I was going to be with him for the rest of my life. Not because of the harmony we lived together but because I was set on the lifestyle I wanted to live one day. I knew together, we could get there.


The Universe quickly showed me that it was not how the plan should go.

That’s when I was sent my first test. (Which I failed miserably at by the way.) 

Not that the Universe tests us but rather, the Universe gives us opportunities to jump into portals that will make our life so much easier, so much more magikal. Only I refused to take the portal because I was so obsessed with what we were going to create in the future. I had this image in my head of what our future life together would be. So much so that the present felt miserable but I didn’t notice. It was like a slow death. Familiar?

Did you hear the story about the frog? Put her in boiling water and she jumps out. But put her in cold water and slowly get the water temperature rising, and she will die there… Well, if I must admit, that was me. 

The thing is…

we’ve gotten really good at imagining parts of our dreams, at creating vision boards and literally naming everything that will unfold… And so, when things don’t unfold that way, we kind of don’t get it.

What happens is that we are wanting a certain outcome and since we suffered so much from not following our hearts in the past, we refuse to go towards what doesn’t look like our dreams by fear of losing ourselves once again. 

Let me tell you this. 

You don’t want the thing. 

No really.

You don’t want the happy future with your partner.

You don’t want the gold medal.

You don’t want the $20,000 days.

You want the experience. 

What you truly want is what is hiding behind the dream, behind the gold medal, behind the happy future together or the $20,000 days.

Now, before you start throwing darts at me because I am deflating your balloon, hear me out here.

You MAY get these experiences in the future. But you MAY ALSO get EVEN BETTER ones. But when you find yourself FIXATED on a vision like I was in my relationship, the Universe has no leeway to offer you what you want

To make it clearer…

the Universe sent you what you asked for but you did not recognize it. 

Because your gift was not wrapt in the circumstances you had ordered. 

And so you missed it. 

That’s okay. No biggy.

We all do it… 

Until we get this:

It’s not about the dream. It’s not about the vision. 

It’s about the POTENTIAL. It’s about how you wanna FEEL. 

And this, IT NEVER CHANGES. It’s about the essence of what you desire. Not the desire.

Even though I thought I was looking for that relationship, obviously I was not. Because it did not work out. My day to day with him was NOT what I was looking for.

But the feeling of being seen, honored, revered… The joy of being accepted in my real, raw most vulnerable moments…  That, that’s what I was looking for.

This relationship ended. My odyssey towards my most epic love story got even more refined. You know how easy it is to get to the drawing board when you have a blank canvas? You don’t have to “fit” it in the middle of a creation, you just start anew with so much more freedom.

That FREEDOM. That’s what the Universe is inviting us in. 

My relationship was about me trying to fit a square in a triangle. It just wouldn’t work. When all along, I was looking for certain things. I just had forgotten I could get them from the beginning. 

Here is what I mean. Every moment is a beginning. What I am looking for in the future, is what I am looking for now. I don’t have to WAIT to claim it. 

A relationship that feels natural… Effortless. That evolves on its own, at my own rhythm. One where I can be me and simply received with absolute love – even when I question our relationship. One where I am just LOVED. 

Yet I kept holding on to one that was demanding a ton of energy out of me and that had me constantly facing my own inadequacies. One where I was not heard, I was not accepted and I had to weigh every word I said. Now, I am all for facing ourselves and taking responsibility.

AND what if our growth didn’t have to be in such suffering? 

When I quit my previous careers, I had made a promise to myself that I would do me. My way. Yet in my relationship, I couldn’t naturally be myself. And I kept trying to do better. To be better. To change. For him. When really I didn’t wanna change. I thought I was mighty fine! I was in a relationship where I was not considered. I was in a relationship where I had forgotten I could say no. I had forgotten I was free and could put boundaries where boundaries needed to be put. 

Here is what I mean.

If for a second, I had gone back to the blank canvas. I had removed the future ideal I was counting on. And simply created from scratch in the present moment all I wanted was to feel. I wanted to feel loved. I wanted to feel seen. I wanted to feel cherished. Totally precious. I wanted to be me, uncensored. And had I gone through that drawing board, I would have known and seen that my current choices would never lead me to this destination. 

Your vision. It’s a possible future that would feel awesome. But it is really a disguise to get you to feel what you want to feel NOW.

This why life will use feelings as smoke signals to redirect you.

Sometimes we are so anchored in our sh*t, the Universe must re-direct us. It’s nothing wrong. It’s actually putting us back on skyrocket trajectory. But if someone had told me that this particular circumstance was my skyrocket trajectory, I would never have believed it. If anyone had told me that this feeling of rejection was my skyrocket trajectory, I wouldn’t have believed it. A full year and a half of tears and deconditioning later – AKA RESISTING AND NOT ACCEPTING that my way had not worked… I finally get it. For real. 

And so today, I am here preaching for your skyrocket trajectory. 

I know that if I had understood the basics of dream building as I do now back then, I would have saved myself months (see YEARS) of intense self-sabotage and offered insane amounts myself love and compassion. 

The only thing I can do with this right now is share it with you so you can learn to wear your dream like a loose garment. 

I am a romantic at heart, and in my world, there is nothing like beautiful dim warm lights out on the side of a trail. This type of light is gentle and delicate… not much different than a series of candles lighting our path in the dark. 

That’s how I see my vision. It guides me.

But I know that shortly the wind may blow the candle and lighting may strike and feed new candles in a different direction. But what matters is that they are still heading in the direction of how I desire to feel. The characters in my movie may change. But the story remains.

The victory is still assured.

I can always hold on to that story that I am creating, only NOT to the exact steps. (That’s control.) 

If someone had told me that I would be happy with no money after living very well, I wouldn’t have believed it. If someone had told me that I didn’t have to fight in my relationship and that I did not need to suffer in order to grow and evolve, I wouldn’t have believed it.

A part of us sometimes hold on to the pride of suffering.

Me in that relationship. I worked so hard to make it work. It’s true. And he did to.

And if we are honest, we both know it sucks to work this hard for a future we may never get.

If you find yourself staying in circumstances that you would totally rebel against if it was your kids or your best friend living it…

It’s time to change that.

It’s time to do things differently.

It’s time to give a real shot to your dreams. THE shot they deserve. Real. Raw. All out. From the heart. Vulnerable and all. 

I’m not saying leave the relationship.

I am saying that the NOW is what matters.

Here and now, holds all the POWER. And that’s we are usually scared – we are scared of losing something. When really, it hold LIMITLESS POTENTIAL.

What needs to change to live this live your truly desire? Not years from now. Now. Now. 

This is an invitation to liberate yourself, to detach from the form of your dreams and embrace the feelings you truly desire to experience.

It’s just the RESPONSIBLE thing.

(I must say that a part of me genuinely despise having to be RESPONS-ABLE. It’s way easier to hand over our power. So I get you. And I believe in you.)

Remember, You’ve got this.




You are the GOLD.

Only you shine like the gold.

But you cap yourself.

You think of yourself as pyrite, fool’s gold… the “not” real value.

You do not dare feeling the magik that you want to feel. You are scared to feel. You are scared to go where you are meant to be and so you keep slowing down the process.

Your mind goes, oh I just need to feel, I don’t need a mentor for that. It’s so simple.

LOL. Is it? 

How draining to cap this much potential. I know.

Let’s get you back in your power. It may be simple but it is not safe YET for your mind. Let’s change that.

Your new life is available.

Your new life is available now.

Your new life is available to you specifically.

Your new life is available to you now.

Are you ready to free yourself? Great. Let’S do this. I have many 1on1 options.

🩷 Soul Reclamation. You and I. 10 days. Unlimited voice and text messages. We shattered what needs to go. And we make space for all the support that gets to come in. Universe said $333. A deal! Just for you. (Just 3 spots left) BUY HERE.

🩷 If you want the FULL SUPPORT. Unlimited Coaching. You and I. Me fully in your corner. 1 moon cycle.  4 moon cycles.Or 7 moon cycles. 1 spot available. See you in my DMs and let’s do this Soul🌙Spark Coaching and create the feelings 😉 and the life you truly desire..

Hit my DMs or email me if you have questions and we will get you back on track.

Are we getting started this week gorgeous Soul?









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