Choose to feel good
May 03, 2024
I am too THIS and not enough THAT.

The journey began when she finally surrendered… when she finally gave up and said

“God you want me to be a writer, well here I am, make me a writer.”

I had been waiting for that moment for a long time (though it flew like a blink of an eye for me… it felt like eternity for her.)

She just couldn’t get all the magik that was hidden behind that desire. I always put something real special behind a calling. See that’s the thing with you humans, you forget that I have superpowers. That these superpowers are ACCESSIBLE to you as well. 

If you just remembered that I have more than one trick up my sleeve maybe you wouldn’t slave away trying to do it all yourself. Only, if you are the type who kind of have a knack for sacred passage, (READ shortcuts – AKA If you are the type that goes to IKEA and has found all the shortcuts out of the labyrinth of the store) you may want to read a little further the instruction manual on being human. Here you’ll have a small excerpt. You’ll find other bits and pieces in different places but here and now, this piece was obviously dedicated to you since your eyes are still following the words on the page. 

Marie speaking here. Here I had an idea. I let you know, because maybe your channeling works this way too, and I want you to know that YOU ARE STILL ON TARGET. Spirit knows that you are HUMAN. LOL.

So you got sidetracked by an idea. That’s okay. Note them but get back in the game right here and now – we have a big reveal coming up in just a few lines. 

It’s interesting – if you are anything like Marie – how you get sucked in words like that to the point of too often missing the point – out of fear of missing out!!! 

That’s LACK, at its apogee. 

But there is nothing wrong with that. I made every flavour in this world a magikal tool to help you orient along the journey. So nothing wrong with lack…

UNLESS you identify with it and you choose to stay there longer than you need to.

(Not because it’s wrong but because you may not feel that great sitting in that energy since I made you an abundant being in the first place.) 

So here I am telling you about a few of my secrets that are not secrets at all but you keep thinking they are, so I share them as secrets. Ready? 

Notice what’s the feeling in this moment? 

Pre big reveal.

Is it a deep longing? An excitement? 

Or more like a fear of being disappointed? And your mind anticipating going “that’s it, that’s your big reveal???” It’s one of the biggest tricks your mind uses to keep you small. To get you to think “I already know that…” Only if you have been turning around and around, if you feel you have been running in circles and not sucking the marrow out of life, I say, you missed this one thing:

KNOWING IS NOT ENOUGH. Knowing is an awareness. Awareness is the first step.

The walking and holding these secrets is what makes the life the adventure you signed up for. Are you ready? 

You were born with a treasure map.

I gave you a treasure map which is ever unfolding.

And your next steps are encoded in the treasure map.

Only if you fail to say YES to the quest I send you on, you can’t receive the next step.

→  That’s when it feels like you are going in a circle, coming back to square one over and over again, not collecting the $$$ and not receiving the steps you so desperately want because here is what I cannot do:

I can’t give you the steps and then, have you decide! That would not be an ADVENTURE. That would be a predictability feast; the death of the Soul.  

I see you Marie trying to interfere here. Wondering. Am I translating this right? It’s not quite what I understood. I hope he says it in many different ways so I can see if I got it right. Even the treasure map thing, it feels out of my league. (Yes you have received a concept, it’s coming. So we will play it your way and go back to what you thought we were going to say. It will all tie in together afterwords. OKAY? 👌 

So I planted a desire in your heart. 

Only this desire is actually a keycode.

It’s a key that unlocks the next step. But when you are still thinking your way through and want logic along the way, it will never make sense. Logic will never get you there. It is not meant to. Logic has taken you into the dimension you have lived so far and I see you wanting MORE out of life. The more is not in the logic. You can already conceive the logic. You want nothing to do with logic – not because it’s wrong. It’s just not your way anymore. It’s bland to you. It’s missing the spice of life. 

And so I am inviting you on this QUEST where you have a big dream and I say go for it now. Say YES. Even if you don’t know how. Even if you think you are not it yet.

I say you are it and I have prepared this quest just for you and you will love every second of it once you learn how this operates. But the way of making it happen can’t work unless you first say YES to the quest – without knowing the how, in spite of thinking you are not the person for it. 

It’s one of those games you play with a blindfold only your eyes are open. I know, it doesn’t make sense, but most of the game is played in the invisible. You are not seeing most of it. That’s why quantum leaps can happen. You do remember that quantum leaps do not happen in the predictable, In the world where 1+1= 2. Oh yes, that’s why you want the magik, remember?!

So you can keep doing what you are doing. You can change things around here and there. And keep playing small…. Unfortunately, as long as you won’t say YES to the quest I propose, you won’t get the next MYSTICAL step that might give you exactly what you were trying to obtain through countless other ways… You know, these things that were devouring all your energy and had you go against your values, the truth of your Soul. All these things you force yourself to do because your mind has convinced you you have to do them in order to be successful… 🥺 Do you get it? 

Can you say all this. Only differently?

AKA I am scared I missed, please say it again. Or really, truly –ARE YOU TELLING ME IT’S THIS SIMPLE and I HAVE BEEN COMPLICATING IT LIKE CRAZY ALL THIS TIME.” The answer is YES and YES. ✅✅ 

Any time I hear of someone being lost, I get excited. They are closer than ever to a breakthrough. They have actually been given the WILD CARD. The All access pass. The OMG you want it, here it is – just for you. What happens when we are lost is we keep on looking everywhere outside of us to find our way – forgetting that we already know. We just have forgotten we have been given the green light to go for our dreams. 

You do realize that me giving you a desire is me giving you the green light to go ahead in that direction, don’t you? 

I didn’t say you needed another 14 years, and 10 formations and a gazillion resources. I said You want it? Great. Say YES. Be that now. Do what that person would do now and let’s claim it. 

And when you do that, 

(that’s the key code – AKA that thing you are waiting for since the beginning)

then I will send in the next step. 

Of course, I will provide for you – because obviously you must know that you have no resources here on Planet Earth. I made it all. I manage it all and there is more than enough for everyone. You don’t have to go get it yourself. You just have to be you and along the way I will make sure you receive all that you need. 

Now you think we have jumped from one subject to another. It’s just too simple. We need to add way more data into the equation. Well we can. If I was to add anything to this mix I would say this:

Learn to CULTIVATE the feelings you really love feeling in this lifetime.

Don’t let circumstances stir you away from these feelings you desire.

Don’t think it’s irresponsible not to process emotions, or that you are avoiding when you are simply choosing to feel good.

Your situation doesn’t need you to feel bad. ← This is GOLD.

You don’t have to make a story out of feeling bad.

When we have been in a situation for a while

– like depression, or chronic worry & anxiety –

when we finally grasp that really

✨ if we decided,

✨ in this very moment,

✨ we could choose TO FEEL GOOD

even though nothing has changed in our circumstances…

There is a possible moment of…

💡damn, did I miss out on this all my life???

💡You are telling me this simple “flip of the switch” is possible?!!! 💡It is available?

💡It can be this easy?

Yes. Yes. Yes. And YES.

✅✅✅✅ (for the visual ones 😜)


And no, there are no regrets to have.

Just ample love and compassion for the mind who kept you isolated from your magik because it is still operating in survival mode. It’s awaiting an upgrade. (If you are not in MAKEOVER, SAVE YOUR SEAT NOW.)



In case you wonder, the best way to forgive yourself is to dive right in

and truly APPLY this all-in and prove to yourself that it does work.

That’s the type of proof that becomes IRREFUTABLE.

It’s the type of proof that builds dreams faster than fireworks on a Fourth of July. 

I heard Marie go “What?!! You tell me I have been miserable all this time and all I had to do was choose to feel like I will feel when I have my dream? All I had to do was to feel seen, feel heard, feel chosen… feel proud of myself (even though I have not accomplished anything specific?!!!)” 

And YES that’s exactly what I am saying. You get to feel abundant regardless of if you have a dollar or a million dollars.

You get to feel loved regardless of if you are alone or if you have the most prosperous relationships..

You get to feel healthy regardless of if you are healthy… 

Your mind will argue that you must go into panic mode. Of course, how else is it going to put up a fight? It doesn’t know that it is safe on the other side of what it knows. 

It doesn’t need to know. 

It’s not its job. 

It’s yours.

It’s your job to believe in the seeds I planted in your heart. It’s your job to feel exactly the way you would feel if it was already in your life…

Plus, if we had skipped the gestation period you think it needs (which is way shorter than what you make it to be – you tend to dramatize things – a little or a lot.) 

Now don’t get thinking but it took me 5 years to do xyz. It actually took you 4 years and ¾ to finally say yes to being the thing. And merely took ¼ of a year to bring it to life. The law of gestation exists. It is true. But you can’t compare it ever. It’s different for everything.

Anyhow most of the time, it just doesn’t get to be because the RECLAMATION – the decision to be IT – has not been done. 

Please say it differently. 

When I give you a dream.

It has already been planted. The second you see it, and your heart goes “that would be fun”, it automatically gets placed in your sacred garden – your vortex of energy, that place that holds all the experiences you can live in this lifetime should you choose to.

Your job becomes easy: 

Choose it. 

Believe in it. 

Through it all. 

Keep choosing that you are the person who brings it into the world and move from there. 

As you do that, I will reveal more and more steps. 

And in no time, you won’t know how you got there. It won’t make sense AND it will make all the sense in the world. And know that in between, every seemingly “obstacle” or limitation placed along way is NOT ever be to slow you down, but actually to have you get there faster. 

I am not a punishing God, I want what’s best for my children. I don’t send them on detours. I show them the shortcuts, even when they think I am off. 

If you only trusted me instead of always thinking that I am in your way. I only want the Universe to flourish and blossom. I’ve created all the laws to serve you in this way.

I promise magik. 

I promise things to unfold in the most crazy ways – if you let me. 

I promise to make this world a reflection of you so you can literally see and choose differently.

I give you full power in this life. 

You choose. 

You decide. 

I trust you.

I promise to always give you a glimpse of what is possible. 

I promise to offer you the chance to say YES to something far greater than what you said yes to so far.

So what if you feel COMPETENT when you don’t have the results?

So what if you feel RICH when you don’t have a dime?

So what if you feel CHOSEN when you are the only one choosing yourself? 

Just give the time to reality to catch up to you. It will. It will. 

Hold steady to those feelings. 

They are your key through the entire labyrinth you find yourself in. 

They are your anchor making sure you won’t drift away in the thunderstorm of life. 

Because anyways, all you ever wanted was to feel this way. You didn’t want the experiences. You wanted the FEELINGS.

I know we could have cut the crap and just have you feeling right? No!!! It’s part of the adventure of life. 

You are a feeler. 

Learn to generate feelings on command. 

Learn to trust these feelings. 

Generate them just like if you were a shop mass producing that one feeling – and just be relentless. 

And see life giving you exactly what you desire. 

Assume it is yours. You do that by feeling it. 

Simple enough right? 

 aHere is an example.

You want to be a writer. But you need money to pay for your needs while you create. You have concluded that writing a book takes time and therefore you won’t get money from that avenue now.

So you put that dream either on the shelf for a while or you play with it part time lying to yourself saying you are not really a writer. Although the latter is a far better option because you are moving in the direction of your dream.

The real deciding factor is: do you claim to be the writer or do you make it just a hobby. 

You see, on the other side of that desire, I had a keycode secretly hidden that would lead you to the resources, maybe the money you so desired – only you cannot conceive it. 

You simply assume your dreams are in the way of your human needs. 

This is so old fashion. This is 1960s. 

You do not lack anything when you follow your heart wholeheartedly as the gifted one I made you to be. And surprises are placed along the way to help you. But you have no access to those unless you say YES fully. Unless you have FAITH. Even though you can’t see the HOW. Even though it doesn’t make sense. Even though everyone around you thinks you are out of your mind. (FOR THE RECORD, THAT EXACTLY THE POINT. Out of your MIND.)

I would like you to know this. Anyone can make a decision for an hour or a day. But those who can maintain or even recommit to a decision two days, a month, a year, 10 years because it is their dreams, it is what their heart says, those are the ones the kingdom of heaven is for. (here is what I mean – you get to experience HEAVEN on Earth…)

What does that mean? 

It means that if you are ready to believe in yourself and keep going, keep following your heart and keep feeling the feelings of the promised dreams, you are GUARANTEED to receive beyond what you can conceive. 

Here is what I promise if you sit at this computer every day and translate the words I shall give you…

Have to interject here. This message is for YOU. This message is for US. This message is for ME. This message is for all those who are still here. Replace “writing” with your thing. And if writing is your thing A1.

Know this: the Universe (Spirit, God, whatever label you want to give this ENERGY) is collaborating with you. If you do not have my inSPIRIT ritual practice to get your own messages and receive with more clarity and assurance, it’s right here AND FREE! 

Your life will take a turn you never expected.

You will live in the levels of riches you have been asking for.

Your mind will be set straight and your steps will be guided with ease and grace.

Your life will take a whole new flavor – one that feels both delectable and unquenchable and fulfilling in evergreen + delicious and colorful. All bathed in a peaceful heart.

I promise peace.

I promise excitement.

I promise adventure.

I promise discoveries.

I promise pride.

I promise you seeing you.

I promise a life beyond your wildest dreams.



Will you give me clear instructions on how to do all of it? 

What do you think I am doing 😉

Oups. Ya. Right. Got it. Is there a better time for me to sit here? 

Don’t question and just sit. From the “get to” vibe. We will set you on fire. We will set you in peace. We will have you breath in truths that will set you free and have you touch the hearts of millions. Shall we play in this way? 

Oh yes please. I want to see my books in their hands, on their phones, in their notebooks. Highlighted. Filled with notes. I am ready to receive the fire it lit in them through testimonials. 

Perfect. No go back to the beginning and RE-READ.

Remember, You’ve got this.



Psst…. All this to say, MAKEOVER is starting in 3 days!

You know that you know that you know. It’s time to get in.

It’s time to upgrade! To You. Only way more magikal! 

Sign up right here.

We will get you READY to RECEIVE all that you are meant to RECEIVE! 










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