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You are always on target
March 08, 2024
I am too THIS and not enough THAT.

INTENTION: What if the idea just flew effortlessly? What If I didn’t have to think for a second? What if it was natural and normal for me to create in this way and I didn’t even have to concern myself with what came out on the other side because – well – it’s magik of course! And not a single word needs to be edited or changed or readjusted or added or removed. AKA We are all good in the hood. 

And so it is! Let’s go! 


I am a little scared. I want things one way. And I worry it won’t happen according to intention. 

Because of course, the intention is to have it all unfold perfectly. Right?! Because why else put an intention in place? Duh. 

The whole point of it is the DIRECTION but you keep getting sidetracked by the NOW. You judge it. You devalue it. You extirpate all the magik out of it and later down the line, you wonder why things are a little bit – or a lot – BLAND. Hello?! You didn’t give permission to what was to be. No wonder it is not.

It’s not because it wasn’t available. It’s because you took it at face value instead of for the absolute potential it holds. 

I know you know this, but gotta bring it to your attention once more: 

Cleaning up your closet.

The first step is CHAOS. Always.

Except that if you don’t allow the chaos, the order doesn’t follow.

If you won’t take every piece of clothing that is in there out… 

if you don’t decide that some pieces go in one place and others in another…

if you don’t choose to remove those that don’t fit, those that are old, those that should be given because well they are not meant to be yours anymore…

then you sure ain’t making space for the new. 

We know that. Yet we keep forgetting. For both the closet and all of your intentions. 

The beauty with life is that the moment you start something, if there is still dust – AKA limiting beliefs, doubt, fears… they gracefully rise to the surface real fast. That’s just how it goes. 

What matters is





Do you sort of, kind of, know that it’s just part of the process and if you allow yourself to go through it, not make a big deal out of it, but rather soothe yourself long the way, reMIND yourself of the truth that things ARE MEANT TO BE MESSY ALONG THE WAY, then it’s smooth sailing. 

OMG – I just caught myself judging this. 

Is this true? Is this real? Am I making this up? Is this any good?

EXACTLY what happens in the chaos when you clean your closet.

So am I off track? Nope. It’s my natural.

Great so we are clear on that. Now can we keep going with the blog?

I guess Spirit is in a hurry today. WELL, I DID ASK FOR THINGS TO GO REAL FAST. LOL. 

THIS ⬇️⬇️⬇️😳

Do you trust that in the end, it all works out? That in the end, every single step WAS the right one. That every finger hit the perfect letter, that the right word came out. And that the new word that came to replace it was ALSO perfect. And that you are JUST in the right place. At the right time. NO MATTER FREAKING WHAT????

Even that 2 min break, ALL ON TRACK. NOTHING IS EVER OFF.

Let me repeat because this is worth tattooing somewhere.


Imagine how much pressure drops.

All of it. All of your humanity: WELCOMED. In service.

You may think we are pushing a little here. But really. I know you know. But since we are on the reMINDer train here today, let’s keep doing this.

You live in a world of POLARITY. And since extremes exist, obviously there is nothing wrong with extremes. 

(That’s the whole point of polarity – to give space for EVERYTHING!!!) 

… The classic you know what it feels like to feel good because you know what it feels like to feel bad. 

… You know exactly what it feels like to sacrifice yourself, to go against yourself because you have lived the freedom of being you here and there AND YOU CRAVE MORE AND MORE OF IT BECAUSE IT FEELS SO JUICY, SO DELICIOUS, SO EMPOWERING AND SO DAMN RIGHT. 

So you know that both sides of the equation are right, important and actually JUST. (Yes I know, we are stretching here. But not really. If you could just dompt this idea that you can do something wrong, the impact you have on the world would be EXPONENTIAL. Your stress level, non-existent.)

AGAIN I am scared I may not receive the thing that puts it all together – then I remind myself that it ALWAYS works out, because WELL, IT ALWAYS WORKS OUT. And I want to remove this part. 

YES YOU CAN’T SHOW THEM ALL THE BITS AND PIECES that go through your mind.

You have to show them PERFECTION.

Show them the FINISHED product – like every other human beings

Spirit knows how to push my buttons. Tell me that I am just like every other being??????!!!!!!!!! and I get infuriated. Now my rebellious SELF is AWAKE and READY. Did it wake up your badass Self too? I got a bit off track. But it was worth the detour. Because it’s all part of the magik. You follow?

Only they are fed up with this world of P.E.R.F.E.C.T.I.O.N.

They are fed up with HAVING TO SHOW UP a certain way.

They know that the balance is not tipping right and it bugs the hell out of them too. And unless you give yourself permission to do it [not show up A CERTAIN WAY which is SOOOOO NOT YOU and ACTUALLY DARE TO PRESENT YOURSELF AS YOU. BARE. REAL. RAW. And totally NON CONVENTIONAL] – that’s what revolutionaries do.

So will you give yourself the space to also DECIDE on your own rules, your own standards.

Be okay with breaking the rules.

It’s part of the 2 extremes. And therefore it is welcomed into this world.

Let’s take every f*cking ADVANTAGE this world as to offer. Following the rules. And NOT following the rules.

Of course!

Why should we limit ourselves to one??? 😎

(Told you, I will always preach for your FREEDOM.)

All this to say that sometimes, we think we are heading in the wrong direction.

We start to panic.

We judge our actions in the moment. Our fingers hit the wrong keys. Our receiving is blocked.

Only WE have blocked it. We have prevented the magik from happening by entertaining the wrong story!!! 

And this will happen on and off for the rest of our life no matter how AWAKE we are. 


can we PLEASE not make such a big deal out of it?

🎶 We are only human after all… Don’t put the blame on me. 

And there is nothing wrong with being human. I want to see your humanity. 

When I see your humanity, I know that I am safe to be me. It’s the only way that I know that what we have is real. It’s how I feel you in the game WITH me. That’s how I want to play the game in all my relationships. You and me.

Oups, it may look like we got off trajectory. This whole masterpiece is about TRUTH. This TRUTH. You are ALWAYS on TARGET. You can’t fall off the wagon even when you think you do because this world has been created in such a way where the polarities are in SERVICE.

At any moment, only 2 things can happen. Get ready because this is where the shoulders drop. 

Either things work out and you soar OR things don’t work out and you learn… you try again… and eventually it works out. 

As one of my mentors so elegantly said, at any time, either you are an ally OR you are a teacher. 

Either you are in service by reinforcing what the other thinks is a good thing OR you are showing them there are other ways and they need to learn to deal with it.

Either life is supporting you (according to your ego) and it feels like you have momentum OR life is showing you what you need to learn so you can feel supported and get back into momentum. 

Here is the message for you today.

Either way. YOU CAN’T MESS IT UP.


Stop thinking everything needs to be P.E.R.F.E.C.T. We are done with that era. It’s totally out of fashion.

(Anyways, you are a rebel. You DICTATE what is fashion and what is not.)

Let me tell you what’s in fashion…

      • You knowing exactly what you are thinking. 
      • You knowing how it makes you feel. 
      • You owning you love to think highly of yourself – because you should – you are UNIQUE, PRECIOUS & DIVINE for Goddess’ sake! How good does it feel to feel good?! How delicious it is to wake up and feel empowered and know that you are the SH*T?!!! 
      • You owning that you don’t want to think those thoughts that make you feel bad ever again… 

Because frankly they are soul-crushing. And not true. 

You are entitled to the fairytale ending. Not the old ones where you are saved by the prince charming but the modern day ones where you rock it because it’s who you are.

HOWEVER to get to the fairytale ending, you must jump into the BREEZE that serves you best.

WTF breeze? Can you be less clear? 

Hold on here. No panic please fabulous humans. I was going to explain. I always do. Patience. It’s coming. (It may look quite messy but magik will swoop up. Keep the FAITH.)

What you are thinking drives how you are feeling. What you are feeling is your attraction point. It’s the magnet. So if you are not attracting what you desire, it’s because your feelings are off, and therefore your thinking is off. 

Follow me so far?

(I know you do – and if you don’t, re-read, accept it as is & keep reading…)

So one thing that matters big times is your thoughts. And when I relate it to the four elements, thoughts are of the AIR element. And THIS, IF. YOU. DON’T. KNOW. IT. YET. is a BIG DEAL.

It changes e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.

It’s AIR. It’s just a chilling cold wind [or a tornado] when it makes you feels like SH*T, but it still is only AIR. Let’s be clear. Wind can create DAMAGE. 

The bright side is that we live in a world in constant change. So when we FEEL damaged, we don’t have to STAY damaged.

Yes, your thoughts can kill you. Agreed. But since you are reading this, I am fairly confident that you are not DESTROYED yet. DAMAGED BUT NOT DESTROYED. This book by Michael Todd.. If you have not read it, maybe you’d want to give it a shot. Cuz what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. And he’s gotta a way with words… 

But back to the BREEZE thing… Your thoughts are the AIR ELEMENT. They are just something that you picked up in the collective field. Only you can ALSO drop it and choose from the most absolute innovative and ever so empowering field. Because well. This will blow your socks off…





Air is everywhere. 





So YEP. I am going to do it. I am gonna take out the FART analogy. Because well, it’s AIR. 

Picture this.

You and I. Oh no. Change of plan. You and someone else. LOL. That someone else farts in the car. Quite the smelly thing. (Mine would have smelled like a rose, so it would not have worked…) 

You CAN keep the windows up. Or you CAN choose to open the window and get the UGH out of the car. It’s a choice. 

The beauty of the fart is that it shifts faster than your thoughts. 


For the simple reason that you act on it on the spot. You immediately take action and roll the window down or move to another room or hold your breath… because it is not an experience you want to live.

Imagine if you were this quick with your thoughts?

What difference would it make a week from now? A month from now? A year from now? 

There is one little annoyance with the BREEZE. 

When we are outside on a cold day and the wind is against us, it is fcking unpleasant. But most of the time, all you gotta do is change direction, walk the other way and it supports you. AKA pick a thought that makes you feel way better.

So next time a big gust of wind is facing you – I invite you to remember, it’s just polarity. It’s just duality. It’s just an extreme. And it doesn’t have to be against you. You can choose to move with it. You can use it’s momentum 

Now I didn’t finish this blog, my time was up. Humanness got in the way. Or not. 🤷‍♀️

I could let it be. Or I could readjust.

Ok I see all the sh*t going on in my mind.

The pressure of FINISHING… When really my time is up. And this piece is done. Spontaneous me has moved on to something else. 

The lesson here: You and I had this conversation. We moved on to something else. You got the point. And if we need to – LATER – it will come up again. That’s how channeling works.

And of course, my last question was: Is this the right picture to put with this blog? Yep afraid to put the WRONG picture. 🤦‍♀️ As if I hadn’t received a single word from these 2,415 words.

Yes I did go see the number of words. 🙃 

Remember, You’ve got this. (Seriously you can’t mess it up!)











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