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Cracking the Code: How to Turn Imposter Syndrome into Magik
August 30, 2024
I am too THIS and not enough THAT.

Just had the lengthiest rambling ever about the imposter syndrome with myself.  And I finally weaved the most beautiful tapestry of truth. I felt like sharing it with you so it can sooth your Soul too. 

Now before we go any further, I want to state this upfront now LOUD AND CLEAR.

It’s not “we get rid of IP (imposter syndrome) and then we are all good for life”.

It’s “oh, that’s what’s happening. I am sure glad I know it’s here because at my next upleveling and it will scream loud and proud again. But since I have gotten really familiar with it and even more familiar with the magik touch that keeps it in check, I will do this work until the end of time!” 

So why on Earth do I make such a lengthy warning and pound on you that it will come over and over again? 

Surely first because #1 you and I, we are driven creatures. Ambitious ones. And we won’t ever be fully satisfied. We will always look for more out of life, so heck we are going to have many and many upleveling to come!!! 

#2 That’s just the choice we made when we decided to be life workers, AKA to bring life into our work. Our life is the gift we are bringing to the world. It takes balls, it takes courage, it takes bravery to choose to gift our steps into unknown territories to the world. And we do. We lead.  Kudos. 

IP is a code. 

We are just gonna crack the code.

Hacking 101 here today. I’m feeling it. 

And I am super curious to know, as you read this, are you excited about cracking the code? Does it get your heart beating a little faster? Do you feel the “OMG this could be the break I have been waiting for?” The “I am on the verge of a breakthrough I can feel it” type of thing? If so, HIT reply so that I know I am not the only one who’s thinking “OK. Been there. Done that. I am in NEED of a serious uplevel.

Let’s first clarify what we are actually facing…

I like to go back to the origins of things so we can know what we are originally playing with. The etymology of Impostor is “deceiver”. Syndrome – has 2 greek words meaning “to run together”. So when we put them together it doesn’t take a genius to know that imposter syndrome screams “you are literally running with the part of you that is a deceiver.“

It is not TRUTH.

Yet we run with it every day of our life as if our life depended on it.

Let’s play with images here for a second. Picture IP as a persona. It’s a voice in your head that is arguing for its life. The. Ego. Saying. Anything. To. Stay. Alive. And once you become that new version of yourself, it dies. 

So get ready for a whole lot of dying cuz I know you haven’t seen most of what you are here to accomplish. You are a powerhouse, remember? 

Let’s put it this way. The moment you have this idea to be the writer, for example, the IP will put up a fight. And as you keep going through it, it will go “Okay I am a writer.” And you won’t ever question it again. And you’ll complete the book. Now the identity of the published author will become the fight. And once you publish it, the identity of being a published author will be the norm for you. It won’t argue for its life anymore. It died. But when you go for becoming a mentor, a brand new experience, it will again argue for its life. Again. Great, that’s the uplevel. 

It will argue and will use every dirty trick possible. It’s not lame. Anything goes because it is a matter of life or death. The thing is it argues for its life until it must capitulate because evidence is too overwhelming – AKA evidence is now in your current 3D material world. And that’s what we are ALWAYS looking to create in our life: bridging our idea into the 3D world.

Read by 1000. Read by 100,000. Each level will reveal a new IP that needs to be defeated. (Or more elegantly said: accepted and loved.) 

The beauty of acknowledging IP like a persona is that you can recognize her. Recognize her voice and really paint a picture of who she is and where she is bringing you. 

      • She is leading you through emotions or through logic. 
      • She is coursing through hard facts of your current reality. She is limiting you. 
      • She is playing all the tricks in the book. 
      • She makes up the rules. 
      • She puts in conditions that don’t make sense. 
      • She is for sure playing the cards of results because – only always – you never had the results you are looking for YET. That’s why we call it up leveling. 

But here is her weakness:

She completely disowns your gifts. That’s the angle through which you get to win over here. 

She will say that you need to be further along before you can do what you want to do.

And it is not true. It’s a part of you: the inner critic. It will judge you. You know, using words you would never dare use on other beings. Because it’s too raw, too cruel, and literally not true. 

She will lie to you and remind you that when you will have done this other thing over there, or received this result or this recognition or this certificate, THEN, you will be good enough.

Guess where this voice was educated? Yes, by the school system. Gotta graduate high school. Otherwise you are nothing. Gotta graduate from College. From University. And we just drill it into you. Because if you don’t have this “pre-requirement”, you are not good enough. And now it is asking you more and more prerequisites. It’s just a never ending story.

Until YOU choose to end it. 

It’s not about seeing the results. It’s NEVER about completing one thing before another.

It’s about seeing the gifts. IT’S JUST ABOUT SEEING THE GIFTS. It’s nothing more. It’s nothing more. It’s nothing more. There I said it. (Third time is a charm they say.)

They said keep it simple. It’s simple: See the truth of how amazing you are. 

And lead from that place.

That’s how you win over the imposter syndrome because she refuses to see the magik that courses through your veins. She won’t acknowledge the wowness that is already you. 

This is my favorite part: On an operational level, when the next level is presented to you, you are already that person. You have ALREADY received the GIFTS. They are already activated and fully operational.

Your game is to PLAY with your gifts and talent.. Just PLAY. AKA Just do you. Just be the naturally gifted you. 

It’s like when you play a new video game. You choose your persona and it comes with unique talents. It’s in its character. It’s already who she is. You chose her for those characteristics. The Universe created YOU for your magikal gifts and talents. These gifts and talents are the path to your big dreams.

Imagine if J.K. Rowling had waited to “see” her gift of writing, her storytelling abilities acclaimed by millions before she could write it?! It would never occur.

She would certainly not be the version of herself she is today if she had not said YES to her heart, yes to her gifts, yes to her talent BEFORE she was the acclaimed writer that she is now. Because she just reminded her Soul that we were here to dream and that imagination is the coolest place on this planet. She gave me per mission to follow her calling, to be different, unique and magikal. She made it cool and normal for all of us.

You write the book before fame AS THE FAMOUS BEST SELLING AUTHOR – not because you think “I am a famous best selling author” but because it is simply a by-product of you in your craft, you fully into your passion, in what lights up your fire… And the numbers catch up. Eventually.

So we are crazy bright people. You and I. We are here to change the world. Let’s say what you already know to be true but won’t quite admit to yourself yet. It may sting a little.  

Millionaires. Billionaires. They also got that IP shit going on the same way you and I do. I know you know. I know that you also hear your mind say something like “It’s easy for him, he’s got XYZ…” But let’s be b.r.u.t.a.l.l.y. h.o.n.e.s.t. A.G.A.I.N. You are not buying that shit. You are using that shit to make yourself stay exactly where you are but you know they’ve done the work. You know they busted through. You know they killed that part of themselves because where they were going, they could not bring the part that still doubts. 

Great. One truth out of the way. It was not easier for others. They just killed IP. 

And we all live this one way or another. We all have this part of us that doesn’t believe and we bring her with us. Until we don’t. We bring it with us. The good news is that you already know how to win over that part of you because you have done it countless times in your life. Only this time, let’s bring it into the light so you can know how to use it time and time again in the future. 

* The IP refuses to see truth. It refuses to see its own gifts and talents. It chooses to place the focus on others. Or in the absence of what it believes we need in order to get the results. Clever right? 

So what’s the thing? Marie what are you talking about you ask…

I am asking you what’s the thing that YOU are claiming? 

Maybe I can help you here with a few things I know about you already.

You are a REBEL. You don’t quite fit anywhere. Because you are not meant to fit. You are meant to bring YOU. Your way. And if you fit, you will blend in. We don’t want you blending in. You do things differently. You see things differently. We need that. That’s the gift: YOUR PERSPECTIVE. You get us to think differently. You help us open up to new ways of being. New ways of seeing things. You are here to bring us YOUR WAY. And when you do that, it’s a game-changer in our life. It sparks magik. 

Now let’s be honest here. It’s not about your results. (Unless you want it to be.) It’s about what you bring us. It’s about where you can bring us. It’s about the magik you can spark into our life and where that will lead us. It’s about you realigning us into the right path because we somehow were heading in the wrong direction. 

Let me be clear here. That may be a strong blow to your EGO. Take a deep breath. One more. 

It is not even about YOU. 

(I can hear your ego saying WTF???)


It’s not about you. And it’s not about your results.

It’s your GIFTS. It’s your abilities. Your talents. With you, there is this magik thing that happens. That only you know how to do. That’s the thing. The magik is you being YOU.

These gifts. They are natural for you. They are beyond you. 

Are you ready for another blow? 

This will blow off your socks (and reaffirm what you knew all along but couldn’t quite put your finger on).

You don’t even need to WORK HARD for these gifts to be fully activated.

They already are.

No you don’t need to have any results for your gifts to be in full bloom.

J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter while she was on social aid. Her gift was in full bloom W.H.I.L.E. she needed support in another part of her life. You can be at a very low point in one area of your life AND your gifts are still in full bloom. Only if you just PLAY. Only if you just let them blossom

And you don’t need to work hard, it can be easy breezy for you. Here is my way to look at it: if I am going to learn from someone, I want to learn from the person for whom it’s effortless. You wouldn’t pay to work with the person who takes an extra 15 hours per week to do the same job right? You go to the gifted one. 

Except that our school system taught you to work hard at what you are not gifted at. It showed you how to become better. It showed you how to be average at everything rather than be a rockstar in what does it for you. The school system was not created for innovators and revolutionaries. It was made to create workers, to create people that think all in the same way.

It’s not our way. But you already know that.

So please stop looking for other people’s recipes. I know you need yours. 

In all truth, it may be possible that you did work hard to get to this point but now your genius is ready to just ooze out of you. And we love that. We want that for ourselves too. Please guide us towards this goodness. That’s what we want. 

You know, in the 70s when the record player would be stuck on repeat and it would skip and skip and skip and you would always hear the same thing on and on until someone had to get up and physically, manually go and put it on the next song… well let me do the repeat here because this one is worth hearing a few more times. 

So your results

quite frankly


(I am so curious to see what’s going on for you here. Could be the mix of 5 tons of pressure just released with a scream from the ego that thinks – shoot this might be IT for me??!)

What matters is your GIFTS.

Now don’t tell me you don’t have gifts. You are reading this BECAUSE you know you are meant to change the world. You know you are here to bring something new and unique to humanity. You are a pioneer. (And if you genuinely are still looking for them, hire me and we will make sure you see them so bright that you can’t get them out of your HEART.)

Your gifts are what changes the world. 

It’s not your results. 

Now. Knowing that, it is crazy important that you start honing your gifts, that you start seeing the value of what you have to offer the world. And if that is still unclear to you, my 10-day intensive BRAND NEW YOU is for you! Unleashing your unique genius. It’s a sacred FEELING experience to BIRTH & EARTH the new most powerful iteration of yourself and make YOU the most magnetic force AS PER MISSION.

And if you already know your gifts, it’s time to blast through becoming the you that you already are! You and I, together we ACTIVATE your SORCERESS; That UNSHAKABLE part of you that won’t sacrifice an ounce of herself, who will fight for your sufficiency & undeniable abundance. She’s too precious to give ways to who she is not. She will get you to your dream. 

Either way Love let me re-MIND you of this:

Your gifts are not your results.

You are not offering your results to the world.

You are offering your talents.

Heck you are not even offering yourself.

So you don’t need to be perfect in everything.

You need to own the fuck out of your genius.

Voilà. All else is B.S.

Remember, You’ve got this.











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