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Here is HOW we do it
August 18, 2024
I am too THIS and not enough THAT.

This QUESTION has been popping up for me just about a million times in building my business. This question screams “I don’t know HOW.”  It screams “I don’t have the answer.” It’s childish.

And it’s not true.

Now my human got really offended and hurt by the “it’s CHILDISH” comment. But it was the Wakeup Call I needed. 

We are leaders. We lead. AKA we take a STEP.

If I’m gonna trust my heart and the desire that was put in my heart to live this life my way, to impact the way I desire to impact… obviously, I know the step. (No not the next 10 steps.) 

The ONE step.

It’s just a lack of SELF TRUST. (And there might be quite the stories of your ego here… Hire me and will sort that stuff out.)

It’s simply an invitation to lean in, look at who you are and what you stand for, get really curious about what wants out, what step feels right AND TRUST IT. 

Because it is the ONE. The ONE that comes naturally. Why make it complicated? (Well the human part of me likes that, but my divine self is all about easy breezy efficiency…)

So this second. This is THE step. 

And once I take this step, like the invisible bridge revealing itself in Indiana Jones, you see a little bit more… And take another step. And another and another. But they are all revealed because they found each other. 

Anytime you ask me how, it’s simple… Take A STEP. 

But which step? The one that feels good and right and fun. That’s it. Easy right? 

Remember, You’ve got this.




I can hear your little mind arguing here: I don’t want to take a step. (Or and your heart feeling the ache in the background…)❤️‍🩹

I didn’t say you have to FORCE yourself.
I said

Your heart knows. That’s the step. Take that step.

So the step may very well be: Let’s play today. Let’s enjoy ourselves to the max. Freely because that it our YES. 

🤸🏼‍♀️ Playing might be your doing.

🧘🏻‍♀️ Resting might be your doing.

💦 Loving might be your doing.

🏋🏼‍♀️ Going hard may be your doing.

🔥🔥🔥 An 18 hour day because you feel the fire.

All that matters is that you honor YOUR next step. The one that is meant to be from your most potent powerful truest YOU. 

So what is YOUR step today? Put it here in the comment or blast it in my inbox. Mine was this blog, it ju mped at me wanting to be immortalized somewhere in the ether where the entire planet could resonate with it.  Job done!

That was one step. Now what’s my one step? I’m gonna go on loving myself and my gifts and feeling like a million bucks because well I worth millions of those!! 

And if you wanna feel like that too, if you know your next move is an energetic move, I’m your woman. I have a few open spots for 1:1 and a mastermind coming up. Let me know what’s alive with you. 











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